Thank you for considering UnitedHealth Group in the next step of your career journey. During our hiring process, we look for people who are passionate about caring for others in our communities, connecting each other with new ideas to advance our mission and growing together with inspiring career development opportunities. Whether you are joining us for an on-site, hybrid or remote role, your career will be focused on Caring. Connecting. Growing together.

Resume advice
Your resume gives us a big picture of who you are and it’s our first contact with your abilities, experience and interests.
To help your resume stand out, we’ve created a list of tips and guidelines to assist you in opening the door to more career opportunities.
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Nailing the interview
Getting an interview invite means your resume made a great impression and we’re ready to learn more about you. Set yourself up for success by preparing for the interview process. From researching the enterprise to sending a thank-you note, some helpful information can be found below.
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Interviewing digitally
At UnitedHealth Group, we strive to innovate with new processes like digital video interviews. Whether you are applying for an on-site, hybrid or remote role, you may be part of a digital video interview. We’ve compiled some tips in the Digital Interviewing section below to help you through the process.
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