Integrating medical, pharmacy and behavioral services

Our approach
We are seamlessly integrating our medical, pharmacy and behavioral capabilities to treat the whole patient.
We are supporting the discovery of new drugs and treatments.
We are expanding our direct-to-consumer offerings so people can access the medicine they need with or without traditional benefits.
We are building new capabilities to help payers better serve people with rare diseases seeking gene therapies and specialty drugs.

Community pharmacies
Through hundreds of pharmacies located on site within community mental health centers we are working to treat the whole patient, bridging the gap between behavioral and medical care to serve individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders and other complex conditions. Our community pharmacies deliver better outcomes, including a 90% adherence rate for medications, compared to about 50% in the U.S. broadly.

Rare disease pharmacy
Most care providers will see a patient with a rare disease only a few times in their career, and many patients see multiple doctors over years before they receive a diagnosis and prescriptions.
Our rare disease pharmacy is helping patients, families, care providers and payers navigate the world of multimillion-dollar therapies, securing access to manage orphan drugs and providing help with the lifestyle changes that sometimes come with a new medicine to ensure optimal performance. Through this model, our pharmacist-led care teams support the whole person, and our technology platforms enable condition-specific data collection and reporting.