Random Testing Process

The random drug testing program was implemented to ensure the safety of our employees, the people we serve, and to honor our commitment to provide a safe and drug-free work environment. This program complies with federal, state, and local law. 


Applies To

U.S. employees who meet one of the following criteria: are directly involved in the access or dispensing of drugs, in direct patient care roles and/or in the driving of patients.


Random Drug Testing Selection Process 

All eligible employees will be entered into the random selection pool each round, regardless of whether they have previously been selected for testing. Random drug testing is completed in partnership with our 3rd party vendor, HireRight, LLC. 

  • Random testing cycles will occur throughout the year. Managers and employees are not provided with testing dates prior to an event. The random drug testing calendar is managed by Employee Relations Compliance.
  • The employee selection lists are generated by our 3rd party vendor using a scientifically valid, computer-based algorithm.
  • The number of employees selected for a random drug testing event is based on the number of eligible employees at the time of the cycle. 
  •  The eligible employee population reports are reviewed and updated with Human Capital/ business partners to ensure accuracy of the pool.


Overview of Random Drug Testing Cycle 

When a random drug testing cycle is underway, Employee Relations in partnership with HireRight, LLC, will complete the random selection process to produce a list of employees selected for the round.

  • Employee Relations Compliance will communicate to managers of selected employees that a random drug testing event is about to begin. Managers are provided with additional documentation at this time.
  • Managers are expected to notify their selected employee(s) in person, or by phone, and provide all relevant information. 
  • Once notified, employees will schedule their random drug test via the HireRight portal and will have two business days to complete the specimen collection. 
  • If a drug test result is returned as non-negative, the employee is provided an opportunity to contact the Medical Review Officer (MRO) at HireRight to resolve. 
  • If a non-negative result is confirmed through the MRO process, or the employee fails to comply with the random drug testing program, this can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.