The future of digital health care holds tremendous potential. At UnitedHealth Group, we are helping advance a consumer-centric, integrated, simple and safe digital health system. We are working to improve health outcomes and lower costs; apply scientific best practices in health care to clinical and claims data; and build a digital health care workforce deeply committed to consumer and provider needs.

Workplace Wellness
Employers Embrace Digital Tech for Workplace Wellness
The 10th annual Optum Wellness in the Workplace study found that employers are increasingly embracing digital technology such as health-related mobile apps and fitness or activity devices to engage workers in health and well-being programs.
UnitedHealth Group Supports AUCC Data Science Initiative
UnitedHealth Group and the Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC), the oldest and largest consortium of historically black colleges and universities, are partnering on a new initiative to prepare students to meet the growing demand in the marketplace for data analytics experts.
Using a Permissioned Blockchain to Improve Provider Data Accuracy
UnitedHealthcare and Optum are members of the Synaptic Health Alliance that is exploring the use of blockchain technology to tackle the challenge of accurate and efficient provider data management and sharing.
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